World's Greatest Cities Mahjong

Enjoy a relaxing visit to fabulous cities around the world in World's Greatest Cities Mahjong, a wonderful game of matching tiles for the entire family. Remove tiles in 140 colorful layouts while visiting New York, London, and other magnificent destinations. Enjoy clearing tiles the usual way in Classic, exchange tiles to make matches in Swap, locate the like set of tiles in Pair, and find the two corresponding tiles in Logic, plus three other unique styles of play. Each offers a tantalizing challenge filled with special power-up tiles, unlimited hints, and helpful shuffles. Filled with beautiful scenery, relaxing music, and fascinating facts, this game will keep you enchanted.


7 mahjong game types
140 different layouts
14 different backgrounds
Lovely music
4 Special power-up tiles
7 stages.
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failed creating Direct3D device - game dies - not even splash-screen
Thomas Roberts, 29.06.2013, 17:29